Pimp up your Presence
What do you do when you meet someone new, be it business or private? Some of you will put the name of your new acquaintance in a search-engine. Some companies do this as well when getting into contact with potential business partners or employees. Are you happy with the results the engines yield? Did you check, recently, what information about you has found it's way into those wide open online spaces?
I propose a new business that will tend to building up your desired online presence. First we'll find out what can be found now. Then we will establish what you would like your online presence to say about you. Next we will 'insert' pieces by and about you in the relevant places. & of course try and remove online pieces of you that you would rather forget. (now here's where I think the company needs to have some whizz-hack-kids & we sure as hell need legal council...)
anyone game? ;-)
I propose a new business that will tend to building up your desired online presence. First we'll find out what can be found now. Then we will establish what you would like your online presence to say about you. Next we will 'insert' pieces by and about you in the relevant places. & of course try and remove online pieces of you that you would rather forget. (now here's where I think the company needs to have some whizz-hack-kids & we sure as hell need legal council...)
anyone game? ;-)
This is something that Preople.com aims to do. But in a different way ofcourse. Your idea sounds great too!
Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, at 10:25 am
What I like about Preople.com is that you facilitate people to take matters in their own hands.
With the 'Pimp up your Presence' idea all sorts of dark business models could be applied as well... Spider the web for someone's details, put everything on 1 page (can all be done with a quite simple application), send it to them & tell them you intend to publish.Some people might like the service, others would love to pay to stay obscure.
ant on a mission, at 11:50 pm
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