Change his site!
Check out and download Greasemonkey, a new megacool plug-in for Firefox. It's open-sourced and bloody revolutionary and will have great impact on existing sites globally.. You thought you were in control of your site? Think again! Now anybody with a few scripting skills can change your site to their best preferences (mind you, only in Firefox...) A great UI tool, and for Crm but it can be bad for your business health....check out your users moves, wishes and prefs and change your site accordingly! Here you'll find prefab scripts for: Google, Yahoo, Amazon , Ebay, Times and! Banner removers, bidding prices from other users on Ebay !, color changers and a SAS Corrector: Makes the Scandinavian Airlines site usable in Firefox. There are fun scripts too: a Michael Jackson news remover thank god! Who's scripting me a tool to select all my contacts at once in OpenBC and Linkedin? Greasemonkey will generate a whole slew of unwelcome applications too ofcourse, but i can think of a lot of bizz opportunities... ah: the scripts they are a changing..
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