SMS Wave
Today we presented the SMS Wave, a new concept/company that makes it possible to do a traditional wave with a large crowd by using your mobile phone. You send an SMS message to the SMS Wave server with your seat number. A few minutes later a sponsored wave is send throught the crowd in a wave by calling all the phones in small batches. The ringtones can be heard going around. For more information read the dutch pressrelease. Caspar Wenckebach and I funded the idea a few months ago, and did a second round a few weeks ago. This might be a concept that you will see in bigger hotspots all over the world in a few years.
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By Jan Karel Kleijn, at 9:05 am
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By Bas van de Haterd, at 10:59 am
Nice idea, let's wait till Studio Sport picks it up and it reaches the mass market. Hope it won't be a hype.
By Bas van de Haterd, at 11:51 am
I like a good hype now and then... ;-)
By Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, at 6:02 pm
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