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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ideabroker's 5th @ OpenBC Euromeet Rotterdam

The latest, longest, loudest and most interactive Ideabroker sofar, happened at OpenBC's Euromeet in Rotterdam Thursday last . With 8 pitchers attending, of whom 6 where actually in the race, we started with our two time winner Simon den Uijl from Epyon who set the pace.. and ended with Gamica's Bart Groothuijzen. Jury and Public Winner was PCA Mobile's Patrick Rodijk;he won a bottle of Fizz, some consulting and insulting hours from Result Strategy (thanks Jan Karel) and Lunatech (thanks Keith) and a 2 year subscription to OpenBC! (thanks Bob). Second Place was for Bas van de Haterd from MysteryMailer and third for Maurice Brand of Re-turn. Fourth came Nathaniel Stott from Luchtnet, and a shared fifth place for last minute entry Mathijs van Zutphen of Direct Democracy and Robbert van Geldrop from BackupAgent with Jack Snijders of Easy Sport Diving closing the ranks. The jury had a tough time and whilst discussing the winners there was a public voting going on in the Ideabroker Arena thanks to the cool equipment of our hosts Digital Port! It was very, very late when the noise died down and all went home.. Eternal thanks to Keith Wallace from Lunatech and Ayman van Bregt of the Rotterdam Connection for organizing and scouting all those cool young guns! We've got standing offers for Ideabroker events at: Emerce Eday Amsterdam, Mediaplaza Utrecht, Zoetermeer and see ya'll soon somewhere!


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