I know it's not really innovation, but this is something I do want to share with you all. If we think the Dutch are narrow minded when it comes to being successful and making money, I recently found out that Belgium is worse. Read this article about "top dividends" (in Dutch), and of course my reaction on In short: in the Netherlands we complain about top salaries, in Belgium they are now complaining about top dividend payments. You are simply not allowed to be successful.
Hangt het in de lucht? Michiel Frackers heeft recent ook al de oorlog verklaard aan Belgie & dat in het bijzijn van JP de MP, zie
ant on a mission, at 11:27 pm
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Bas van de Haterd, at 10:48 am
Ik had het gelezen ja, wel grappig, maar het heeft verder geen verband.
Bas van de Haterd, at 10:49 am
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