Summit for the future
The opening day of Club of Amsterdam's Summit for the future 2005 was full of surprises&cool stuff: Glen Hiemstra a well known futurist, painted a new landscape for the future, where Europe has to cope with a declining population by 60 million inhabitants!, oil will dramatically rise in price and demand, and he made a wonderful remark about the difference between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants, the first being everyone born in the western hemisphere after 1981, the latter before that time, I'm sorry to say. There are profound differences between Natives and Immigrants in coping with our digital era. (see email is old economy) Glen also showed an amazing clip of work about augmented reality from Mark Billinghurst Director of New Zealands HIT Lab. If the necessary glasses go down to normal size, this is gonna be a killer app in communication and business, imagine a 3D MSN session with multiple miniature friends on your desktop (yes the real desktop....the one on which your laptop currently resides)!
Simon Jones now ex-MD of the elas very recently closed down MIT Media Lab Europe gave a great presentation on how to set-up and run a successfull and truly innovation minded Media Lab. With a few minor changes, you can apply his rules for any business and certainly for Org's like Ideabroker. Ah yes,"the-times-they-are-a-changing"!
Simon Jones now ex-MD of the elas very recently closed down MIT Media Lab Europe gave a great presentation on how to set-up and run a successfull and truly innovation minded Media Lab. With a few minor changes, you can apply his rules for any business and certainly for Org's like Ideabroker. Ah yes,"the-times-they-are-a-changing"!
Digital Natives, Digital immigrants & (don't forget) Analogues.
Gernd Leonhard was very interesting as well. He recently wrote 'The future of music', see
He argued that as the price sensitivity (of music) increases not just 1 out of 10, but 9 out of 10 people will buy music. The market might grow so much that the music industry will have no more worries ;)
ACCESS will outdo ownership (see Napster to go). Copyright becomes usage right.
& people will pay a subscription/ flat fee for access.
ant on a mission, at 11:11 am
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